CRM Integration with IP PBX

CRM (or Customer Relationship Management in full) system has been deployed widely around the business world for its ability to help businesses build a relationshiop with their customers that in turn creates loyalty and customer retention through the understanding of customers’ behaviour and modifying their business operations to ensure that customers are served in the best possible way. But it doesn’t stop here as a standalone system.

If you have a CRM system like most successful businesses do, you can integrate it to our SITA smaRtPBX which will allow you to call contacts, leads or existing cusomters with just one click. This way, all calls will be recorded in the CRM system as call logs so that your agents or sales personnel can effectively efficiently follow up on interactions.

What can you do with the integration?

Click to Call

Click to call from the CRM screen which enables you to find all the details of a customer.

Pop Up

Customer data presented with popping up window.

Notes & Reminder

Take real-time notes of your calls or make schedule for future call.

Call History

Keep detail records of your call history.